Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I gots the Swag

Just in case you've missed it, here is a video about the Swagger Wagon. And here is a picture of me with my new to me Vintage Swagger Wagon.

I'm totally pumped. As in over the moon super excited. As of this afternoon I am the proud ownder of a 2004 Toyota Sienna. I've wanted to drive it all day long today, and can not wait to drive it to my moms house tomorrow. We even took a drive at 4:00 pm to go pay rent. We never leave the house after lunch time simply because our non swagger anything car wont cool down enough and I melt. And cook the baby. It was so much FUN to sit in traffic and rock out to someone elses forgotten cd of worship songs (yes, ill be returning it) and enjoy being cool in my cool new Meme Van. Thank you to my sweet friend Kelli who came over, swooned over my baby stuff with me and then drove me to pick up the van! She is also throwing me a baby shower/sprinkle/pray for the  baby party  on saturday with another friend of ours. I feel so blessed right now with friends and comforts a good church and good things for this baby. I know some big changes in our life might be right around the corner (other than being parents of THREE boys) so I am soaking in the goodness of simplicity right now. I know God has his hand on all of this and know that when we asked for bread his plan was never a stone. I'm finally seeing around all of the pebbles I have let block our view lately to the feast He is preparing! (Matthew 7:9)

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