Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Bienvenue Avril!!

Today is the first day of April, one of my favorite months. This month my first child will turn 5! FIVE. Five years ago I was just me, alone and by myself and now five years later my precious little mystery will be five. This month my little baby will be nine months old, hardly an infant he is starting to try to take steps literally and figuratively into early childhood. This same month my husband will complate the first half of his training program and be one month closer to that all important "promotion" or guarantee of career stability that comes at the end of this. Today I met with some ladies from a local moms group I have joined for the first time. I have stepped out of my comfort zone and decided to meet them where they go.. the library, the playground. Today was at the indoor play structure at our church (the moms group is not associated with my church, but the church has a gigantic indoor play structure that is open to the public during certain times) and the local science museum. I had a ton of fun and really enjoyed getting to know some other mamas. I've never done this before. I've been a mom for five years, but this is the first time I'm really plugging in with other moms socially and not just because I take care of their children at school. I welcome the rain that is falling outside, and the thunderstorms of this month because at the end of April all these things will have come to pass.

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