Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Old Bear

Old Bear
I bought this at Aydens book fair today and fell in love. The pictures are beautiful, simple and sweet and yet has depth and teachable elements. I think Charlotte Mason would aprove. My favorite quote : "After that he dreamed that winter was back. The world was covered in ice. It was night, and the sky was blazing with stars of all colors. The cold went on forever." Would make a great gift! Look for it at a scholastic book fair in your area. I only spent 10 on mine :-). Plus its a AR book, so Ayden gets school credit for reading it.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Somebody turned two months old today! Time is as always flying by and this little one is getting less little every day. There are times.. like 2:27 am that I'm grateful for that and times like this afternoon rocking him to sleep and smelling his sweet hair on my cheek that I wish I could freeze time itself. He is growing well, and will go in on Friday for his well check and immunizations. I'm very pro shots, but that's a whole 'nother blog. I'm so grateful to live in a country where we have access to shots that prevent our babies from suffering from horrible disease that many children in this world have to suffer from. I'm thankful our grandparents and most of our parents were wise enough to take the gift and wipe out (for the most part) a host of disease that our children no longer have to suffer from. That's it for now. Don't get me started on the pertussis outbreaks... Anyway. My sweet baby will get his first shots on Friday. He can roll from his tummy to his back, but its usually because he is really ticked off at me. I haven't seen him do it happy yet. He rarely lets me put him down when he isn't sleeping. He prefers my bedroom to all others. Lay him on my bed and its all smiles. Especially with his daddy. But its all smiles with Daddy most of the time anyway. Unless he wants food and then he cries this pitiful "ma-ma" cry. We are still co-sleeping, but most nights he starts in the bassinet and moves in with me after he wakes up to eat. Working on that. I'm trying not to complain about Lucas being gone the last ten days, and frankly, co-sleeping is the only way I've survived this move and his new job. He is huge, and I cant wait to see what he weighs! Breast feeding is going well and I guess my supply is well established, but I am taking 8 capsules of fenugreek everyday to keep that going. If I take any less i run out of milk. I've also had to give up ALL caffeine. Something I didn't even do pregnant. Its been a challenge, but having a happy baby makes it worth it. I have discovered that chik-fil-a serves decaf diet coke! woo-hoo! One of those every few days and decaf coffee in the morning trick my brain into remembering the caffeine high and we are surviving:-). I love my little puddin' head. He's a snugly ball of goodness. Here's pictures to prove it.

Settling in

We took a big step this weekend and started visiting churches. I was given some great advice many years ago not to church shop, but to pick somewhere and plug in and serve. Church is about the body and how we can can serve the Gospel, not about what church does for us. It isnt the ammenities, its the needs you can fill. So we went to the local PCA church first. Because we KNOW any PCA church has great accountability and solid foundations in reformed, acurate, biblical practice. Everyone was kind. The service is at a great time. The pastor was genuine. I felt some of my old sinful desires creeping in though.... music is at a minimum in most PCA churches. Its about the gospel, not the show. But I have a huge heart for musical worship. So we'll see. I loved the diversity though. Its a tiny church, but there were people off all ages from great grammas to teens. There was only a handful of kids, but again its quality not quantity right? Ayden loved it. We were invited to Thanksgiving dinner with the church on Sunday. We may or may not go. Again.. we'll see :-). I am officially unpacked. I even have most of my pictures hung. I'm sure I will be shifting and adjusting until we move out again, but for now I'm plased:-). We aer still praying for friends.. for all of us! Balin keeps asking to see his sweet friend K. He needs a buddy soon! And I need someone to come sip coffee in my awesome sitting room!